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Drawings (4 of 9)

Smart overview of the Invention

Methods and systems are designed to enhance images and displayed objects through the use of extended reality (XR) technology. This process begins with receiving image data that includes real-world visuals from a client device, monitored by guide software. The system can identify individuals within the real-world images and retrieve relevant information from a database linked to the identified person. The XR images are then modified to integrate this personalized information, enriching the user's experience.

Integration of XR Images

Upon identifying a person in the real-world image data, the guide software component retrieves stored information associated with that individual. This allows for a tailored XR experience, where the XR images can be adjusted to reflect the retrieved data. Additionally, informative XR content can be strategically placed at specific spatial anchor locations within the real-world imagery, providing context and enhancing user interaction.

Privacy Concerns in Network Communications

The application also addresses significant privacy concerns present in network communications. Various privacy leaks can occur during DNS requests and connections, such as cleartext communication revealing visited domains. Solutions like Private DNS (encrypted DNS) can help mitigate these risks by ensuring that sensitive information remains protected during transmission. The integration of security protocols aims to pair the level of privacy required with the appropriate communication methods.

Enhancements in Security Protocols

To further improve privacy measures, the application outlines enhancements that match communication protocols with desired privacy levels. By incorporating security components alongside Private DNS, it is possible to address various privacy leaks, such as those arising from HTTP connections or cleartext server name indication (SNI). These enhancements aim to ensure secure connections while providing users with greater control over their privacy settings.

Future Applications and User Safety

As mobile devices evolve to support various forms of extended reality—such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR)—the need for effective user interfaces becomes critical. The application emphasizes the importance of alerting users to their surroundings while using XR devices, ensuring their safety in real-world environments. By bridging the gap between digital content and physical reality, these advancements aim to create a safer and more engaging user experience.