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Drawings (4 of 10)

Smart overview of the Invention

A display device features a unique structure comprising a display panel divided into three areas: a first area, a folding area, and a second area. The folding area is designed to fold along a specified axis, enhancing the device's flexibility. Positioned on the rear surface are two plates: a first plate in the first area and a second plate in the second area, which are spaced apart. A flexible thin-film layer covers these plates and connects them through the folding area.

Components of the Flexible Thin-Film Layer

The flexible thin-film layer consists of three parts: a first portion that covers the first plate, a second portion that covers the second plate, and a third portion that links the two. A guide is also included, which covers the second portion and part of the second plate, ensuring smooth movement when transitioning between folded and unfolded states. This design allows for effective sliding of the second portion between the guide and the second plate during these transitions.

Adhesive Elements and Their Functions

The display device incorporates adhesive elements to secure the thin-film layer to its respective plates. A first adhesive element is placed between the first plate and its corresponding portion of the thin-film layer. Additionally, multiple second adhesive elements are positioned between the second plate and the guide, ensuring that they do not overlap with the flexible thin-film layer in terms of thickness.

Step Difference Compensator

A step difference compensator is integrated into the design to address any height discrepancies between components during folding and unfolding. This compensator is attached to the third portion of the flexible thin-film layer but remains unconnected to the display panel itself, allowing for consistent performance regardless of the device's state.

Curvature and Space Management

When folded, the display panel may exhibit curvature, with specific curvatures for both the display panel and thin-film layer. The design ensures that when in a folded state, there is adequate spacing between components to prevent interference. This innovative approach enhances both flexibility and durability, making it suitable for modern foldable electronic devices.