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Drawings (4 of 10)

Smart overview of the Invention

A micromechanical resoswitch utilizes stored mechanical resonance energy to enhance switching efficiency and bit rate. It operates at a demonstrated bit rate of 8 kbps, which is significantly faster than traditional methods, achieving speeds at least 12 times greater due to pre-energization techniques. This innovation allows the resoswitch to adapt its switching time based on the required bit rate, broadening its potential applications.

Advantages of Resoswitches

Resoswitches harness resonance dynamics, resulting in lower actuation power compared to conventional switches. They are capable of receiving low power wireless signals and demonstrating improved reliability through higher restoring stiffness. Their ability to operate at resonance also provides frequency selectivity, which is essential for multiplexed communications, enabling applications like all-mechanical communication receivers that can listen continuously without power consumption.

Addressing Trade-offs in Bit Rate and Sensitivity

Historically, high Q resonance has been associated with reduced bit rates due to increased switching times. However, the new design breaks this trade-off by utilizing stored energy to achieve faster switching speeds. The resoswitch can operate effectively across a range of bit rates, thus expanding its usability beyond simple data transmission to include more complex applications like wireless audio reception and transcontinental firmware updates.

Potential Applications

  • Transcontinental clock synchronization throughout the day.
  • Remote labeling for products using zero-static power changeable labels.
  • Tracking and routing in the rented fashion industry.
  • Energy grid monitoring and control for efficient power management.

Operational Mechanism

The resoswitch operates by maintaining its motion even during inactive periods, allowing it to respond quickly to incoming signals. By modulating a carrier frequency close to its resonant frequency, it amplifies displacement significantly. Various modulation techniques can be employed to ensure continuous oscillation, thus optimizing communication efficiency while preventing excessive sequences of '0' bits through encoding methods like Manchester encoding.