A method is proposed for generating a verified data package that includes a user's biographical information and a portrait. The process begins with receiving data from the user, which prompts them to take a self-portrait photograph. This self-portrait, along with the provided data, is then sent to a server for verification. The server processes this information to confirm the identity of the user by ensuring that the self-portrait matches the portrait on file.
Digital documents serve as modern, paperless alternatives to traditional paper documents, offering enhanced storage capacity, accessibility, organization, and security. Users can store their credentials digitally, allowing them to conduct transactions remotely without physical documents. However, certain transactions require rigorous identity verification to ensure that the person presenting the credentials is indeed the owner.
The described method utilizes an application on a user's device to scan physical identification documents and capture a live self-portrait photograph. The application retrieves data from these documents, including machine-readable zones (MRZ) and biometric information. A hardware attestation ensures that the device used for verification is legitimate, while encryption protects the transmitted data.
Upon receiving the data package, the verification server decrypts and validates it using a public key and hardware attestation. A machine learning model compares the self-portrait with the document's photograph to generate a verification score. If the identities match, a verified data package is created, containing all relevant information and an attestation of identity confirmation.
For additional security, users may present their verified data package to trusted authorities for in-person verification. These authorities can visually compare the user with their portrait displayed on a device. If confirmed, an attestation is generated and sent back through the verification server to enhance the user's verified data package, ensuring robust identity validation across various scenarios.