Invention Title:


Publication number:


Publication date:

Performing operations; transporting





Drawings (4 of 14)

Smart overview of the Invention

The patent application introduces a system and method for controlling hybrid vehicles using a human-machine interface (HMI). These vehicles are capable of both wheeled and walking locomotion, offering a novel approach to vehicle control beyond traditional steering wheels and pedals. The HMI includes a processor and memory to facilitate interaction with one or more hybrid vehicles through a graphical user interface (GUI) and command inputs.

Technical Field

The invention pertains to the field of vehicle control systems, specifically those that enable control of vehicles capable of both rolling and walking movements. Traditional vehicle control methods are insufficient for these advanced vehicles, necessitating new interfaces that accommodate omnidirectional movement capabilities.


The system allows an operator to select from multiple hybrid vehicles via the HMI, which then renders a GUI tailored to the selected vehicle. Commands can be input through various devices such as motion controllers, displays, or audio inputs. This setup supports versatile control scenarios, including switching vehicle operators and selecting different vehicles for operation.

Control Hierarchy

A key feature is the ability to switch control between operators, contingent upon a predefined control hierarchy. This ensures that command authority is maintained in multi-operator environments. The system supports seamless transitions between different hybrid vehicles, updating the GUI accordingly to reflect new selections or changes in operator control.

System Components

Each hybrid vehicle within the system is equipped with leg-wheel components that enable both wheeled and walking motion. Sensors and a vehicle control system facilitate the reception and execution of external commands. The HMI's computing device stores programming instructions that manage vehicle selection, GUI rendering, and command processing to ensure efficient operation of these advanced vehicles.